niedziela, 7 lutego 2016

Paraphrasing - Matura

Zadania na parafrazowanie podobno spędzają sen z powiem nie tylko maturzystom, ale również studentom, którzy przystępują do międzynarodowych egzaminów.

Dzisiaj zachęcam Was do poćwiczenia, bo jak wiadomo practice makes perfect & repetitio est mater studiorum :)

A żeby Wam się lepiej pracowało zamieszczam piękne zdjęcie zachodu słońca (by me)

Transformations or Paraphrasing

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów ani formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.

1) People expect that the new cure will be available soon.
EXPECTED  It .................................................................. the new cure will be available soon.

2) Despite the fact that the room was cold, the performers continued to sing.
CARRIED  Although .......................................................................................................

3) I have hay fever and I don't want to go out today because of high pollen count.
RATHER  I have hay fever and ................................................................... because of the high pollen count.

4) Jerry has no objections to cooking and washing.
MIND  Jerry does not ..........................................................................................................

5) My son does not spend much time at home. His dog will soon forget him.
LITTLE  My son spends ....................................................................... his dog will soon forget him.

6) There aren't many books in our library.
ONLY   There .............................................................................. in our library.

7) I wish I had painted my room blue, not red.
RATHER  I'd .............................................................................. my blue than red.

8) As we grow older, we are more likely to develop arthritis.
OLDER  The ...................................................................... to develop arthritis.

9) Harnet plays several instruments, just like her father.
DOES  Harnet plays several instruments ......................................................... her father.

10) Our manager looks tired. He might have spent the night calculating expenses.
IF   Our manager looks ............................................................................. the night calculating expenses.

11) If you insist on reading by dim light, you will damage your eyes.
WILL  If ................................................................ by dim light, you will damage your eyes.

12) You ought to have had your eyes tested a long time ago.
TIME  It's ................................................................................................

13) Nobody else had arrived before Martin.
TO   Martin ...........................................................................................

14) I was discouraged by the number of new responsibilites.
FOUND  What ...................................................................................... the number of new responsibilites.

Odpowiedzi dopiszę jutro :)

Zadanie pochodzi z książki: Język angielski Matura Companion, Egzamin pisemny, Struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne, Agnieszka Zębala, Express Publishing 2004. 

Answer key
1) is expected that
2) the room was cold / it was cold in the room, the performers carried on singing
3) I'd rather not go out today
4) mind cooking and washing
5) so little time at home that
6) are only a few books
7) rather have painted my room
8) older we grow, the more likely we are to develop
9) and so does / as does
10) as if he has spent
11) you will read
12) (high) time you had your eyes tested
13) was the first to arrive
14) I found discouraging was

Jeśli mało Wam parafrazowania to proszę bardzo - polecam moje wcześniejsze wpisy:

Paraphrasing 1
Paraphrasing 2
Paraphrasing 3
Paraphrasing 4
Paraphrasing 5
Paraphrasing 6 - Modal verbs

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