środa, 6 listopada 2013

I won!!!

Dzisiaj chciałabym zachęcić Was do uczestniczenia we wszelkich konkursach organizowanych w internecie :) Ja właśnie tak zrobiłam i dzięki temu na mojej półce z książkami mam nową pozycję :) Oto ona:
charlie and the chocolate factory
charlie and the chocolate factory
charlie and the chocolate factory
Może zastanawiacie się, co to był za konkurs. Otóż na stronie Head Full of Ideas zorganizowany został konkurs, w którym trzeba było stworzyć historyjkę/bajkę dla dzieci. Przesłałam moją bajkę i okazało się, że moja praca została wyróżniona! Moją bajkę możecie obejrzeć tutaj: Wyniki konkursu (druga bajka, ta o kosmicie). Jest to co prawda niezbyt skomplikowana historia, ale dzięki nim możemy powtórzyć części ciała i liczby. Fundatorem nagród była strona EduPlanet, gdzie znajdziecie wiele ciekawych gier, książeczek i innych materiałów dydaktycznych, przydatnych w nauce angielskiego :)
Fundatorowi nagród oraz Organizatorce konkursu serdecznie dziękuję!!!

Znacie historię Willy'ego Wonki? Czytaliście książkę albo oglądaliście film? Ja film z Johnnym Deppem wprost ubóstwiam :) Film jest niezwykły. To taka historią szalonego Pana Kleksa w wersji angielskiej. Tutaj zwiastun:

Natomiast tutaj wersja nieco starsza. Poznajecie, kto gra Willy'ego Wonkę?

Kiedyś krążyły plotki, że to Michael Jackson, a nie Johnny Depp miał zagrać Wonkę. Powstała nawet sesja zdjęciowa nawiązująca odrobinę do tego filmu. Prawda, że Michael jest tutaj podobny? ;)
Michael Jackson

wtorek, 5 listopada 2013

5th of November

Dzisiaj 5. listopada. W Wielkiej Brytanii rocznica pewnego ważnego wydarzenia. Wiecie jakiego? ;)

Remember, Remember
The Fifth Of November,
The Gunpowder Treason And Plot.

I Know Of No Reason
Why The Gunpowder Treason
Should Ever Be Forgot.

poniedziałek, 4 listopada 2013


Dzisiaj trochę ciekawostek o podróżowaniu (travelling). Co prawda, tekst jest po polsku, ale możemy podsunąć tę ikonografikę naszym uczniom i powiedzieć, aby wyobrazili sobie, że pracują dla agencji reklamowej, a ich zadaniem jest przetłumaczenie wszystkiego na język angielski :)

Gdybyście chcieli umieścić tę ikonografikę na swojej stronie, możecie skorzystać z tego kodu:
<span style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 10px">Umieść infografikę na swojej stronie:</span>

<textarea rows="3" cols="132"><a href="http://kaplaninternational.com/blog/pl/files/2013/10/KAPLAN_TRAVEL_polish.jpg"><img src="http://kaplaninternational.com/blog/pl/files/2013/10/KAPLAN_TRAVEL_polish.jpg" alt="inspire language learning" /></a><a href="http://www.kaplaninternational.com/pl">
Kaplan International Colleges</a></textarea>

niedziela, 3 listopada 2013

Halloween - part 8 - more materials

Dzisiaj ostatni wpis o Halloween - publikowałam je przez ostatni tydzień :) I mimo że nie wyczerpałam wszystkich pomysłów, które spisałam sobie na kartce, to myślę, że to co tutaj wrzuciłam przyda Wam się, jeśli nie w tym roku to w przyszłym.

Here are more ideas about Halloween:

Crafts and art:
1. During your lesson you and your students can make a pumpkin made of modelling clay.
2. If you have a culinary talent, you can bake  pumpkin pie. You can find a recipe for example here: Pumpkin Pie . Or you can also cook famous Pumpkin Soup .
3. You can ask your students to cut a pumpkin out of a sheet of paper, colour it and clasp it with a clothes peg on a line hanging in your classroom.
4. You can make skeletons stamps. I wrote about it here .
5. Or, of course, you can carve a real jack-o-lantern with a candle inside.
Have fun!

I would like to show you three more books which can be helpful during you classes:

the a z of ghosts, skeletons

You can read here what to do if you meet a werewolf, some terryfying tales you might believe etc.

creepy poems

Creepy Poems is another interesting book for Halloween. You can find many poems here. For example this one:

Spider Night
has too many legs,
walks high and silently
across wide spaces
into everywhere;

spreads hands
like spider webs
across your garden,
your house,
your room;

through the long night
with unsleeping
spiders' eyes;
hears you breathing.

Creepy poems

And last but not least, you can use this book:

teaching English through culture
Picture taken from: bookcity.pl

You can find here lessons for many English and American festivals, including Halloween. There is even Michael Jackson's lyrics for "Thriller" :)

Here you can find my old article about this song. There are also lyrics and vocab. (Unfortunately, the page does not exist anymore).

EDIT: Recently I've heard that it will be a new version of Thriller - in 3D! I can't wait!

sobota, 2 listopada 2013

Halloween - part 7 - Nightmare before Christmas

Polecam film na zajęcia o Halloween:

Nightmare before Christmas, directed by Tim Burton
Po polsku: Miasteczko Halloween

Zamówiłam sobie na Allegro, jak obejrzę to zamieszczę recenzję. Ale czuję, że będzie mi się podobać, bo uwielbiam wszystkie filmy Tima Burtona.

Tutaj posłuchacie wiersza. Czy znacie ten głos? Jeśli chcecie przeczytać dokładny tekst to proszę: Nightmare before Christmas


piątek, 1 listopada 2013

Halloween - part 6 - garść linków

Wiem, że Halloween już się skończyło, ale te materiały mogą się przydać w przyszłym roku ;)
Na początek proponuję przejrzeć linki do blogów, które regularnie czytam:
English-nook: Halloween is coming!
Head Full of Ideas: Halloween Preparation
Agata Rybus: Jak się bawić na Halloween?
Dolittle: Winnie the Witch Meg and Mog Room on the Broom
Humming Bird ESL: Halloween Ideas

Następnie przejrzyjcie strony wydawnictw:
Macmillan: Halloween 2013 Halloween 2012
Pearson: Bank Materiałów  Festival Worksheets
Busy Teacher: Halloween worksheets
Egis: Halloween

Materiały na Halloween znajdziecie również na moim chomiku. Są to materiały darmowe ściągnięte przeze mnie z różnych źródeł w internecie.

Na zakończenie posłuchajcie jeszcze piosenki o czarownicach :) Piosenka oprócz tego, że wpisuje się w halloweenowy klimat, to do tego pozwala zapoznać się z tematem homonimów, np. which - witch.

Which witch is which?
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
What do you do?
1.- My name is Mildred
I have thirteen cats.
They sleep in my house
And under my hat.

Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
What do you do?

2.- My name is Salem
And I bake cakes
With rats and bats
And lizards and snakes.

Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
What do you do?

3.- My name is Gertrude
And I make potions
With shark teeth and seashells
I find in the ocean.
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
What do you do?
4.- My name is Hagatha
And I grow warts.
I hop like a toad.
I like to play sports.
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
What do you do?
5.- My name is Hazel
And I sell brooms.
You can use them for sweeping
Or flying at the moon.

We are the witches.
You know who is who
It’s time we must be going
‘cause there’s all so much to do.

czwartek, 31 października 2013

Halloween - part 5 - about Halloween


October 31st: Halloween
"Hallow" once meant the same as "saint". Halloween is short for Allhallows Even, the evening before All Saints' Day. Playing at 'spooks' and witches, games of 'duck apple', eating roast chestnuts, and listening to ghost stories are, however, customs which have their beginnings in remote times.
October 31st was the eve of Samhain, the Druid New Year. It was also the festival of the dead, for the Druids believed that the spirits of the dead visited the living at this time.
When Christianity took the place of this pagan religion, the feast of All Saints took the place of Samhain. However, a few people never became Christian, but continued to believe the Druid ideas. In secret they carried on many of the Druid ceremonies. As time passed some of these ceremonies changed, and the people who took part in them became known as witches, with Samhain their most important feast.
Eating the fruits of autumn, apples and nuts, was part of the Druid feast. When Samhain became Allhallows Even, Christians continued to enjoy these fruits. Games, like 'duck apple' were played around bonfires in which chestnuts were roasted.

In medieval times, bonfires were lit on October 31st as it was thought they frightened off witches.

Polecam jeszcze jedną piosenkę dla dzieci A witch came flying:

Tutaj jakby ktoś chciał to może pobrać tekst piosenki, jednak istnieje bardzo wiele wersji! A witch came flying - lyrics

P.S. Graliście już dzisiaj na Googlach? ;)
google halloween

środa, 30 października 2013

Halloween - part 4 - Skeletons

Oto piosenka o tańczących kościotrupach ;) Można pouczyć się części ciała i nazw różnych kości, a do tego potańczyć :)

Tutaj możecie pobrać worksheet do piosenki The Skeleton Dance
Jeśli chodzi o kościotrupy to znalazłam stronkę ze świetnym pomysłem na pracę plastyczną ze szkieletami :) Z gumki do ścierania robimy pieczątki przedstawiające różne kości, czaszki, żebra itd. i na papierze odbijamy tańczące szkielety itd. Za pomocą takich pieczątek możemy nawet przygotować papier do pakowania prezentów ;)
Tutaj znajdziecie dokładny opis: Mr Printables: Stamping Skeletons
Poza tym polecam cały pełen pomysłów blog Mr Printables. Znajdziecie tam między innymi ogromną kolorowankę Haunted House albo halloweenowe okulary do wycięcia.

wtorek, 29 października 2013

Halloween - part 3 - idioms

Dziś garść idiomów związanych z Halloween oraz linki, gdzie znajdziecie jeszcze więcej idiomów!

* witch-hunt - to go on a witch-hunt is to try and find and punish or harrass people with unpopular opinions, usually because they are said to be dangerous to others.

This expression has its origins in the witch-hunts of the Middle Ages when thousands of young women in Europe were killed because they were thought to be witches.
He was the victim of a witch-hunt at work, and was fired because of his new and innovative ideas.

* skeleton in the cupboard – a skeleton in the cupboard is something that might bring shame or embarrassment to a family or person if other people know about it.
Mrs Mills has a skeleton in the cupboard: she was caught stealing money from her employer in 2002.

smell a rat – to smell a rat is to be suspicious about something, to suspect that it is not as it appears.
Her new boyfriend said he is a doctor, but I smell a rat: I think he's lying
smell a rat

* mad as a hatter – if someone is as mad as a hatter, they are completely insane.

It is thought this expression might have its origins in the fact that mercury was used in hat making: this caused nerve damage in the hat makers, making them appear insane.

Be careful when you talk to him, he's as mad as a hatter.
mad as a hatter
* keep body and soul together - to be able to pay for your food, clothing, and somewhere to live
His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.

* be the life and soul of the party  (British, American & Australian) also be the life of the party (American & Australian)
to be the type of person who enjoys social occasions and makes them more enjoyable for other people
He's a very sweet man but he's not exactly the life and soul of the party. Give him a few drinks and he's the life of the party!

* pain in the neck -  someone or something that is very annoying.
That child is a real pain in the neck.
pain in the neck
More links:
http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Halloween-Idioms-368088 (można się darmowo zalogować i ściągnąć ten plik)

Quiz z wyrażaniami o truposzach itd.: http://a4esl.org/q/j/dt/mc-halloween2.html

poniedziałek, 28 października 2013

Halloween - part 2 - jokes

Już pisałam o Hallowe'en wczoraj: Halloween - part 1
A tutaj wpis z 2010 roku: Happy Halloween
Dzisiaj będzie o Hallowe'en na wesoło.


What do ghosts eat?

How did the glamorous ghoul earn her living?
She was a cover ghoul.

How do ghosts like their eggs cooked?

What is a ghost's favorite kind of street?
A dead end.

What color are ghosts?

What day of the week do ghosts look forward to?

What did one ghost say to another?
Do you believe in people?

What did the ghost teacher say to her class?
Watch the board and I'll go through it again.

What did the ghost say to the man at the coffee shop?
Scream or sugar.

What did the ghost bride throw to her bridesmaids?
Her boo‐quet.

What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
Put your boos and shocks on.

What do ghosts have in the seats of their cars?
Sheet belts.

Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
It raises their spirits.

More jokes on: http://www.thehauntedinternet.com/ghost_jokes.html
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween jokeHalloween joke
Halloween joke
Halloween joke
Świetny pomysł na karty z tkaniny, na których znajdują się halloweenowe żarty: http://jembellish.blogspot.com/2011/10/halloween-drinks-coasters-tutorial.html
Halloween joke
Skoro już jesteśmy przy żartach to wczoraj znalazłam niezwykle inspirującą stronkę z ciekawym pomysłem na książkę z Halloweenowymi żartami: http://kimberly-crawford.blogspot.com/2012/10/happy-halloween-and-i-saw-it-pinned-it.html
Tutaj możecie sobie wydrukować gotowe karty z żartami i wkleić na pomarańczowy papier:
Kupiłam już nawet pomarańczowy papier (24 grosze za arkusz A3) i zamierzam przygotować taką książeczkę :)
Tutaj znajdziecie żarty do wydrukowania, można zrobić z nich również zakładki do książek :) http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/halloween-jokes
P.S. Ogłaszam Halloweenowy tydzień, bo mam jeszcze kilka pomysłów na to święto :) Dlatego zapraszam do czytania mojego bloga codziennie. 

niedziela, 27 października 2013

Halloween - part 1

Na innych blogach tematycznych od niedawna ukazują się już wpisy o Halloween. Ja również mam kilka pomysłów na to święto, zwłaszcza, że nie wszyscy wiedzą, o co w nim chodzi, a jest to przecież święto, które przybyło do nas z krajów anglojęzycznych (elementy wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych). Póki co proponuję piosenkę o duchach.
Ghosts - Michael Jackson
There's a ghost down in the hall
There's a ghoul upon the bed
There's something in the walls
There's blood up on the stairs
And it's floating through the room
And there's nothing I can see
And I know that that's the truth
Because now it's onto me

I don't understand it
I don't understand it!

There's a tappin' in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But there's no-one sitting there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coughin' and a yawnin'
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it
Don't understand it

And who gave you the right to shake my family?
And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

There's a tappin in the floor
There's a creak behind the door
There's a rocking in the chair
But nobody's sitting there
There's a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coughin' and a yawnin'
Where a restless soul is going

Don't understand it!
Yeah Yeah!
Don't understand it!
Your just a dog gone!

And who gave you the right to scare my family?
And who gave you the right to scare my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
And who gave you the right to take intrusion, to see me?
And who gave you the right to shake my family?
And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
You put a knife in my back,
Shot an arrow in me!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
A suckin' ghost of jealousy

And who gave you the right to shake my family?
And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
And who gave you the right to take, intrusion to see me?
And who gave you the right to hurt my family?
And who gave you the right hurt my baby, she needs me
And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?
You put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
The ghost of jealousy

Dog gone
But there's no doubt about it, piece of mind
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy 

Co ciekawe, piosenkę tę można znaleźć w podręczniku dla klas IV SP "Discover English" w temacie powtórzeniowym o częściach i pomieszczeniach w domu. Do uzupełnienia są takie wyrazy:

- walls - ściany
- bed - łóżko
- chair - krzesło
- hall - hol
- room - pokój
- door - drzwi
- stairs - schody

Jeśli macie czas i ochotę możecie też ze swoimi uczniami obejrzeć cały film "Ghosts". Uchodzi za najdłuższy teledysk muzyczny. Film został wyreżyserowany przez Stana Winstona (efekty specjalne lub/i charakteryzacja przy takich filmach jak Alien, Predator, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Edward Scissorshands), a współscenarzystą był sam Stephen King! Michael Jackson zagrał tam aż 5 postaci! Czy wiecie, kto zagrał burmistrza miasta? ;)
Film może stać się również pretekstem do poruszenia takich tematów jak odmienność, dziwactwo, samotność. Czy powinniśmy odrzucać kogoś tylko dlatego, że jest ekscentrykiem?
Zapraszam do obejrzenia!


sobota, 26 października 2013


Great emotional and intellectual resources are demanded in quarrels; stamina helps, as does a capacity for obsession. But no one is born a good quarreller; the craft must be learned.

There are two generally recognised apprenticeships. First, and universally preferred, is a long childhood spent in the company of fractious siblings. After several years of rainy afternoons, brothers and sisters develop a sure feel for the tactics of attrition and the niceties of strategy so necessary in first-rate quarrelling.

The only child, or the child of peaceful or repressed households, is likely to grow up failing to understand that quarrels, unlike arguments, arc not about an)1hing, least of all the pursuit of truth. The apparent subject of a quarrel is a mere pretext; the real business is the quarrel itself.
Essentially, adversaries in a quarrel are out to establish or rescue their dignity. I fence the elementary principle: anything may be said. The unschooled, probably no less quarrelsome by inclination than anyone else, may spend an hour with knocking heart, sifting the consequences of roiling this old acquaintance a lying fraud. Too late! With a cheerful wave the old acquaintance has left the room.
Those who miss their first apprenticeship may care to enrol in the second, the bad marriage. This can be perilous for the neophyte; the mutual intimacy of spouses makes them at once more vulnerable and more dangerous in attack. Once sex is involved, the stakes are higher all round. And there is an unspoken rule that those who love, or have loved, one another are granted a licence for unlimited beastliness such as is denied to mere sworn enemies. For all that, some of our most tenacious black belt quarrellers have come to it late in fife and mastered every throw, from the Crushing Silence to the Gloating Apology, in less than ten years of marriage.

A quarrel may last years. Among brooding types Kith time on their hands, like writers, half a lifetime is not uncommon. In its most refined form, a quarrel may consist of the participants not talking to each other. They will need to scheme laboriously to appear in public together to register their silence.
Brief, violent quarrels are also known as rows. In all cases the essential ingredient remains the same; the original cause must be forgotten as soon as possible. From here on, dignity, pride, self-esteem, honour ate the crucial issues, which is why quarrelling, like jealousy, is an all-consuming business, virtually a profession. For the quarreller's very self-hood is on the fine.

To lose an argument is a brief disappointment, much like losing a game of tennis; but to be crushed in a quarrel ... rather bite off your tongue and spread it at your opponent's feet.

Artykuł pochodzi z książki przygotowujący do egzaminu CPE.

- apprenticeship - szkolenie
- fractious - wybuchowy
- attrition - ścieranie się
- nicety - przyjemność
- mere - zwykły
- adversary - przeciwnik
- be out to (lunch) - to be crazy
- by inclination - ze skłonnością
- quarrelsome - kłótliwy
- sift - przesiewać, badać
- enrol - zapisać się
- perilous - niebezpieczny, ryzykowny
- neophyte - neofita, początkujący
- vulnerable - podatny, narażony
- all round - wszechstronny, uniwersalny
- tenacious - trwały, nieustępliwy
- gloating - triumfujący, zwycięski, rozkoszny
- brooding - straszny, złowieszczy, napawający lękiem
- on their hands - w swoich rękach
- scheme - plan
- laboriously - mozolnie, pracowicie
- row - kłótnia, awantura
- be on the line = be at risk

poniedziałek, 21 października 2013


The best neighbour I ever had was an Italian restaurant. Emergency lasagne available night and day, change for the launderette on Sundays, a permanent door-keeper against gatecrashers and policemen with parking tickets. Even if our fourth floor bath water did run dry every time they filled up the Expresso machine, I miss them still.

Bad neighbours can blight a house worse than dry rot but there is no insurance against them, no effective barricades in the compulsory intimacy except a decent caution and conversation ruthlessly restricted to matters of meteorology. And it only takes a tiny breach in the wall of platitudes to unleash appalling dramas of persecution and passion.

And what can be done if the people next door breed maggots or wake up to the Body Snatchers (or some other punk group) in quadrophonic or poison the cat with their slug doom? What happens when one man's trumpet practice is another's thumping headache, when two neighbouring life styles are just incompatible? There are three basic responses to what the law calls Nuisance:
surrender, retaliate or sue.

Joan and Andrew live next to a couple who have been having screaming, shouting and banging fights two or three times a week for the best part of five years. 'It sometimes gets so bad that our whole house shakes, pictures rattle on the wall,' said Joan. She has tried sympathetic chats, face to face confrontation and even recourse to the local social services department and the police when she feared that the child of the family might be at risk. 'Every time I say something, she is apologetic but says she can't help it. I don't think the child is subject to physical abuse, but the verbal onslaughts are frightful. It's worrying as well as infuriating but it seems there's nothing to be done. There would be no point in bringing an action against them, it's just how they are. '

Retaliation - or crash for crash - is a dangerous game which calls for nerves of steel and considerable perseverance. It is a winner take all strategy from which
there is no turning back, because it becomes a war of escalation and the side which is prepared to go nuclear wins. Michael's neighbour in Surrey made every summer afternoon noxious with the sound of his motor mower. Negotiations got nowhere so Michael bought an electric hedge trimmer and plied it right where the neighbour's wife liked to sunbathe. Neighbour opened up with a chain saw. Michael lit bonfires full of wet leaves when the wind was westerly. Neighbour left his car engine running with the exhaust pointing through the fence. Michael served an ultimatum: either an end to hostilities or he would sow a plantation of ground elder right along his side of the hedge. Legal, but a lethal threat to neighbour's well-tended acre and a half. Mowing now takes place on weekday evenings and the weekends are silent.

There are two main areas where the law has a role: in boundary disputes where the tide deeds are not clear and in cases of nuisance from noise or fumes or some other persistent interference in someone's peaceful enjoyment of their home. The remedies available in case of nuisance are either an injunction -
a court order to stop it - or damages in compensation for the victim's suffering.
There is only one thing worse than having to take your neighbour to court,
and that is letting your fury build up so long that you lose your temper and end up in the dock yourself like Mrs Edith Holmes of Huntingdon who was driven mad by her neighbour's incessant hammering, drilling and other DIY activities between 7.30 and 11. 30 every night. She ended up throwing a brick through his done-it-himself double glazing and had to plead guilty to criminal damage. A merciful magistrate gave her a conditional discharge and allowed only £35 of her neighbour's £70 claim for compensation. The neighbour, he said, was an expert and could do his own repairs.

But judges and ten-foot walls and conciliation and bribery can only do so much. In this one vital area of living you are entirely at the mercy of luck, which may deal you a curse or a blessing regardless of any attempts to arrange things otherwise.
Artykuł pochodzi z książki przygotowującej do egzaminu CPE.


- laudrette - pralnia samoobsługowa
- gatcrasher - nieproszony gość
- blight (a house) - niweczyć, niszczyć
  to cast a blight on sth - to spoil sth
- insurance against sth - ubezpieczenie na wypadek
- barricades - barykady
- decent - przyzwoity, porządny, skromny
- ruthlessly - bezwlędnie
  ruthless = cruel
- it takes a tiny breach in... - a hole in a wall for protection (wyłom)
  be in breach of sth - to be breaking a particular law or rule (naruszać, łamać prawo)
- platitude - frazes, banał
- unleash - uwolnić, wyzwolić
- appalling - przerażący, straszny, obrzydliwy, wstrętny
- breed - hodować, wychowywać
- persecution - prześladowanie
- thump - walić, grzmotnąć, walnąć
  thumping headache
- retaliate - odwajemnić
  to retaliate against sb with sth
  in retaliation for
- the best/better part of = most of
- recourse - uciekanie się do czegoś
  without recourse to
- onslaught - a very powerful attack
- noxious - trujący
- maggot - larwa (mięsna), robak, robal
- slug - lazy person
- mower - kosiarka
- electric hedge trimmer - elektryczne nożyce do żywopłotu
- ply - posługiwać się
- open up - ujawnić
- sow - siać
- elder - czarny bez
- lethal - zabójczy, zgubny, śmiertelny
- boundary - ograniczenie
- deed - czyn
- persistent - trwały
  persist in doing sth - trwać, utrzymywać się
- interference - wtrącanie się, ingerencja
- nuisance - niedogodność, udręka, niewygoda
- injunction - nakaz, zakaz sądowy
- to lose one's temper - tracić panowanie nad sobą
- be driven mad by - oszaleć przez coś
- incessant - bezustanny, nieustający
- double glazing - podwójna szyba
- plead guilty to - przyznawać się do winy
- merciful - litościwy
- conditional discharge - zwolnienie warunkowe
- conciliation - pojednanie, postępowanie pojednawcze
- be at the mercy of luck - być na łasce szczęścia
- regardless of - niezależnie od