wtorek, 22 lutego 2011

Inversion in conditionals

Ostatnio pisałam o inwersji w celu podkreślenia czegoś: Inversion for emphasis
W języku formalnym inwersję można stosować również w zdaniach warunkowych.
Usuwamy wówczas słówko if i zaczynamy zdanie np. od had, should, were. Np.:
I okres warunkowy:
  • Should you decide to cancel the contract, please let me know by Friday.
Bez inwersji:
  • If you decide to withdraw from the agreement, please phone me by Friday.

II okres warunkowy:
  • Were she to find out that he was seeing some one else, she'd go berserk.
  • Were I you, I would visit my grandfather.
go berserk = go mad - wpaść w szał
Takie zdanie bez inwersji wyglądałoby po prostu tak:
  • If she were to find that he was seeing some one else, she would go mad.
  • If I were you, I would visit my grandfather.

III okres warunkowy:
  • Had he not resigned, we would have been obliged to give him the sack.
  • Had Jake been informed about the meeting, he would have participated.
give sb the sack - zwolnić kogoś
Bez inwersji:
  • If he had not resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.
  • If Jack had been informed about the meeting, he would have participated.

Źródło: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv293.shtml

Winter in Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon in winter

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